"If we want real change, we have to change the people in charge. Politicians are making it harder to get by and get ahead no matter how hard you work. I am running to help people keep more of their paycheck and make life better. As a Certified Public Accountant with a master’s degree in taxation, I understand the crushing effects of rising inflation and taxes on hard-working families and seniors living on a fixed income. This is the kind of experience and leadership we need right now in order to secure a brighter future for everyone, especially our children and grandchildren."
This is Kevin's phone number.
You will hear a lot of misinformation and lies from the other side in this election. When you do, please feel free to call or text Kevin any time for the truth. This is Kevin's phone number now, and this will be his phone number after the election. Kevin Whiteford believes in being accountable and accessible, and he’ll be there for you!
Too often, politicians will say what we want to hear to get our vote -- and then turn around and forget what they said they stood for. Kevin Whiteford's priorities are clear, and he follows through and does what he says he will do.
Lower the cost of living
Create opportunity
Defend freedom and our rights
When it comes to the issues you care about most, Kevin Whiteford is on your side, and he shows up!


"You deserve a State Representative who works just as hard as you do, and someone who shows up and listens. That’s why I get up every day and fight for a better future for everyone. Join our campaign!"